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Bon Geso multi-service on-demand app for companies and individuals

Book Taxis, Rent a Car, Send Parcels, Order Food / Grocery / Medicine / Liquor, Marketplace, Beauty Services, Handymen, etc.

One App for Everyday Needs

From transportation to delivery & home services, Bon Geso combined all on-demand service options into one app

Taxi Booking

Book or rent our safe and reliable rides at affordable prices and also enable vehicle owners make extra income.

Food Delivery

your favourite meal delivered fresh from the kitchen directly to your door-step. best selection of popular restaurants to choose from.

Courier Delivery

Bon Geso specializes in instant deliveries of parcels to improve the lives of everyday people by making things easier and safer.

Bon Geso Mall

Buy or sell new and used items easily on Bon Geso Marketplace, locally or from businesses. Find great deals shipped from stores to your door.

Grocery Delivery

With grocery delivery service, facilitate ordering fresh groceries from different stores.

Beauty Service

Bon Geso beauty-on-demand app that helps beauticians put their services online where the right customers can find and request for them.

How does Bon Geso Work?

Login OR Register

Download the app and create accounts in a few min.

Choose Service

Choose from our range of services to book ride/delivery/services done.

Book Service

See your estimated cost in advance. A convenient way to pay with a card, cash or wallet.

Track Your Service

Track your ride/service/delivery in real-time. Get in-app and real-time chat notifications.

It's Completed

Get the services done. Rate and share your reviews of your experience with service providers.

Register your Restaurant or Business

Get to know the benefits of Bon Geso services used by over 200+ partners in different cities

Register your Restaurant or Business

Our Apps